Free pubg mobile for pc system requirements
Free pubg mobile for pc system requirements

free pubg mobile for pc system requirements
  1. #Free pubg mobile for pc system requirements android
  2. #Free pubg mobile for pc system requirements free

Now let’s write the requirements for the players who will play on the PC.

#Free pubg mobile for pc system requirements free

Of course, you should have a little more than 500 MB of free space in order not to have a problem with the game. To play this game on a mobile device, you need at least 500 MB of free space. This causes the size of the game to be much lower. It is behind other PUBG games in terms of both graphics and content. PUBG Mobile Lite is the lowest spec game of the series.

  • Operating System: Windows 7/8/10, 64-bit.
  • To play the game on a PC, you must have at least 4 GB of free space. To play the game on a PC, you must have a CPU of at least 2.4GHZ. Of course, for players who do not want to experience charging and heating problems, we will also write the PUBGM Lite PC system requirements and play the game on a PC.

    #Free pubg mobile for pc system requirements android

    This game, which can only be played on devices with Android 4.3 Jelly Bean and a better version of Android, requires 1 GB of RAM and 500 MB of free space.

    free pubg mobile for pc system requirements

    PUBG Mobile Lite system requirements are of course lower. You can take a look at the mobile requirements from our PUBG Mobile system requirements article.

    free pubg mobile for pc system requirements

    Let’s give the bad news for gamers who want to play the game on their iOS device: Unfortunately, the game is not available on Apple devices. Android requires an Android version above 4.3. Of course, if you want to play the game on a mobile platform with lower system requirements, we recommend that you first look at the system requirements.

    Free pubg mobile for pc system requirements